Optimal Health for Children and Young Adults

Three cute little children and a young blond female in casualwear taking a selfie together, promoting optimal health for children and young adults.

We are by no means experts, we have children of our own and go through the same struggles are parents do. That said, here are some of our cheat codes we think everyone should consider when looking at their children’s health outside of the normal medical plan.

DNA Testing

Given its non-invasive testing, and that our DNA never changes. Children and youth can get their DNA tested. While we don’t believe you should take any drastic measures we do believe it can assist you in making simple diet changes within your home to make life less hectic. 

Many factors such as hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, mood swings, autoimmune disease and others have shown links to diet. While diet alone may not treat disease, knowing areas to avoid and focus on can make a lasting change in children and youth.

Whole food diet

As discussed in our food and diet section, avoiding the big pitfalls can have drastic changes in children as they develop. Specifically focusing on ingredients and avoiding sugars and dyes can have massive benefits to their behavior. A great example of this is to look at ingredients which are allowed in north America but are banned in other parts of the world. 

A great way to expose children to healthy eating is having them participate – let them cook with you when time allows. The pride they feel helping prepare a meal makes them more likely to eat it.

Screen Time

We don’t believe in pretending children won’t be exposed to screen time. With changes in technology our children now have access to more information in a phone than most people did in their lifetime not that long ago.

We believe in balance, a great resources for a family goal is 1000 hours outside (link), targeting the same amount of screen time as outside activities in a year.

Be careful of content – we’ve experienced this ourselves where children develop new vocabulary, sounds and even stutters and you don’t know where they came from. Spend some time watching their content and see if you feel its appropriate. 

DNA testing – again at the forefront of our beliefs, DNA testing can help you identify your child’s risk of addiction – some children are naturally more likely to become addicted to their screens, video games and other habits later in life. While we can’t solve this, we can monitor it to best see them grow and progress. 

Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins and supplements can be dangerous in children. Be careful and always consult with your doctor. That said, we do believe children, especially with their picky eating struggle to get the nutrition they need from diet alone. Here are some of our favourite, least risk supplements to consider.

  • Vitamin D drops
  • Magnesium
  • Multi-vitamin
  • Probiotic
  • Zinc

Refer to our curated products and supplement resources to ensure you are getting high quality ingredients. 


Children, especially boys are not meant to sit for 6 hours a day. They need the ability to burn off energy, explore and experience 

Exercise, especially structured or team sports not only gets children active, it also exposes them to competition, team mentality and structure to prepare them for the life ahead. The best way to show our children a healthy lifestyle is by living an active lifestyle ourselves – we know easier said than done.

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